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                                            DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Silli Polytechnic, which is run by Techno India Group, was set up in 2013 with the most innovative ideas. The Mechanical Engineering Department is the most renowned branch of this college. During its 7 years of glorious existence, this dept. has been producing most technically skilled students. This department imparts most innovative and disciplinary atmosphere to students. It has a wide reputation for the quality of teaching it offers. This dept. maintains a systematically designed curriculum. The department boast of an adequately equipped workshop consisting of Lathe Machine, Shaper Machine, Milling Machine, Drill Machine, Forging equipment, Welding Equipment, Casting Equipment and all other necessary Machines. Besides, there is also Applied Mechanics Lab, Strength of Materials Lab, Theory of Machine Lab, Power Engineering Lab, Thermal Engineering Lab, Automobile Engineering Lab, Metrology Lab, all of which are assets of Mechanical Engg. Dept. The dept. also provides specific knowledge about Machine parts drawing and Engineering Drawing. The dedicated team of faculty members holds the steering of the department in a very smooth & successful manner. The faculty members of this department are engaged in imparting quality teaching with the aim of creating ′′A Creative and Innovative Technical Environment ′′ in this Institute. The students are exposed to a creative, knowledgeable and updated academic environment. Overall, the Mechanical  dept. of this college strives to be recognised for imparting quality engineering education with the aim of producing technically sound students & academicians who can be innovative, entrepreneurial & successful  in future.


To impart adequate knowledge of Mechanical Engineering to the students so that they are able to analyze, interpret & solve the engineering based problems for contributing towards the technological development of the State and the Nation along with fulfilling the requirement of quality manpower in the field of Mechanical Engineering.


1. To impart substantial fundamental knowledge of Science & Engineering to the students and develop adequate departmental facilities in order to apply their theoretical knowledge through practical experiments, Project works etc.

2. To make the students capable of solving Engineering problems in a scientific & systematic way and also motivate the students to develop innovative thinking skills within them along with providing them sufficient opportunities to work individually and also in groups.

3. To create an atmosphere in the department, where the students shall be assisted and thoroughly groomed by the departmental faculty members for making them ready to serve the Industrial as well as Academic Sector along with an aim to pursue higher studies also.

4. To ensure that the students become competent in their communication skills, personality development & group discussions in order to make them job ready.

5. To build up significant Industry Institute linkage for improving the overall quality and technical skills of the student through Industrial Training, Workshops, Seminars etc.

                                                   PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES

  1. To empower the students with the knowledge of Basic Engineering Science & Technical Skills.
  2. To apply the theoretical concepts to solve the engineering problems in a scientific and systematic way.
  3. To provide opportunities for student to work individually or in group in multi-disciplinary projects.
  4. To impart strong fundamental technical knowledge to the students for developing  core competency in diversified areas such as Production, Design, Thermal, Industrial and allied fields  along with the use of software tools to expand their knowledge horizon and inculcate lifelong learning.
  5. To create awareness amongst the students towards social, environmental and energy related issues through industry training, grooming and also develop effective communication skill and professionalism in them.